Burger equipment
Usually, burger joints do not prepare dishes from scratch, but rather by additional cooking. That is, you do not have to do everything from scratch. You just need to take ready-made, frozen semi-finished products. Then they are additionally cooked using special equipment. Rospotrebnadzor is loyal to this type of preparation, so there is a lower risk of problems.
The equipment is divided into categories:
for washing dishes,
cooking area,
preparation area,
special refrigeration equipment.
There are also coffee machines and juicers (to provide additional goods).
about 1,000,000 rubles. You can hire a specialist who will select all the necessary devices and calculate the price. However, this will cost more.
Payback calculation
Burger shop
When drawing up a burger business plan, every usa whatsapp data entrepreneur wants to know the payback period of the outlet. Naturally, it is impossible to predict this at the first stages.
Everything is individual and depends on the initial investment, income and monthly expenses. In a good scenario, the payback period will be less than 1 year. In a bad one, it can reach 5 years. Now let's look at the average market situation.
The payback period of a business is the sum of the initial investment + (the sum of expenses each month * months of work) / the profit that is received each month. That is, profit = income – expenses.
Monthly expenses include:
rent of premises,
salaries of employees,
purchased products.