About 8.2 billion were invested in online advertising. 2000:The Google AdWords pay-per-click service appears for the first time. Thissystem represents 98% of Google’s revenue today. 2001: Advertising in pop upform started to fill the user’s screens. 2002: The most expensive advertingcampaign ever purchased takes place. It was a campaign created by Pepsi. Itconsisted of a 90 seconds ad by the American singer Britney Spears, and it cost7,53 million dollars. 2006: YouTube launches video advertising. 2006: Twitteris born, the application of communication “in real time”. 2007: Facebookintroduces the concept of advertising based on user behavior, aimed especiallyat social interactions.
2010: For the first time, viral marketing WhatsApp Mobile Number List surpassestraditional advertising, thanks to an advertising campaign of “Old Spice Guy”that received 30 million visits. 2011: The online advertising becomes a clear n2 in terms of budgetary priority for everyone in advertising. In general, atthe expense of the press and radio. 2014: The online advertising revenue of theGangnam Style video exceeds 8 million dollars. 2015: Advertising in digitalgames becomes an excellent platform to strengthen the brand of companies. 2016:Instagram’s social network achieves more than 1,530 million in advertisingrevenue. Generation Z, the Young people that make millennials old December 11,2018 Antevenio Performance Did you like our post? 5/5 - (3 votes) It is named“generation Z” to the people who accomplish the following characteristics: Theywere born between 1994 and 2010.

They have lived attached to a smartphone. They use theinternet either for socializing as for study. They are starting to claim itsplace in a world that has become too small for them. The members of generationZ were born, lived and grown hand in hand with an economic crisis that affectedtheir environment and critically influenced in their personality. The salariesthey chose to work are low, and their relationship with money has changed. Howare the millennials On the other hand, those known as millennials are thepeople born between 1981 and 1995. Some call them generation Y and otheranalysts call them Echo Boomers. The millennial concept fits them because theyare the generation that became adult with the entrance of the new millennia.