It is used to retainthe interest of potential customers and increase the likelihood that they willreturn to the site to complete the transaction. Geotargeting targeting of advertising to users in acertain geographic region. Ad Campaign an advertising campaign a series of advertisements aimed at achieving acertain goal. Ad Group a group of adswithin one advertising campaign united by topic or keywords. Split Testing orA/B testing is a method used to compare two versions of a website orapplication with each other to determine which one works better to achievecertain goals such as increasing conversions.
In the process oftesting audiorobots.txt and the Google Search Console URL Options tool. CTRClickThrough Rate is the percentage of users who saw a site in Google searchresults and clicked on it. A high CTR indicates that Lebanon Phone Number Data the site is relevant touser requests and responds to requests. CTR Number of clicks / Number of impressions × . is an HTML tag used to indicate to search engines the originalversion of a page. This helps avoid duplicate content issues where the sameinformation is available at different URLs.
Content MarketingContent Marketing creation anddistribution of useful content to attract an audience. Vertical search is aspecialized type of search engine that focuses on a specific industry industryor type of content as opposed to general search engines that provide resultsfrom a variety of sources. Vertical search engines may specialize in jobs realestate educational materials or travel services. This approach allows users tomore efficiently find the information they need in a certain field. Aconversion is an action you want a visitor to take on your site for example apurchase.