Google did not officially call generated content a stopfactor. Algorithms are not against artificial intelligence, but only if it isused to create high-quality content according to EEAT principles. No spam orattempts to manipulate search results. How does this work in practice? TheContentim studio has prepared a review of interesting experiments on thistopic. Who wins in the fight for top search results - authors or robots?Content Case The Verge Rahul Bhatia's experiment results Neil Patel Experiment resultsReboot experiment results conclusions Case The Verge Let's start small. TheVerge published a fun article about the best printer of 2023, which was writtenby ChatGPT. Short, only 300 words. Surprisingly, it made it to the first pageof search results, and this was for a highly competitive query. OutperformedCnet, TechRadar, New York Times, Forbes.
The Verge It would seem that the robots are canada b2c email list winning. If theresource is authoritative and has many high-quality links, the generatedcontent can outperform strong competitors. However, the page’s positiongradually began to decline, most likely due to negative behavioral factors.However, the article is still on the first page. Rahul Bhatia's experiment SEOstrategist Rahul Bhatia began receiving questions from clients about how toreduce costs for copywriters using AI - whether a neural network and an editorare enough to fill and promote a website. In this regard, the expert decided toconduct an experiment and find out how the generated texts would affect theranking.
To do this, he bought a vacant domain in a technical nichewith a good reputation of DA 36 and 478 referring domains. Rahul’s team planneda content strategy for the resource: analyzed competitors and collectedkeywords. The approach to technical optimization was the same as on otherprojects, with the only difference - all the content for the site was generatedby neural networks. From December 2021 to March 2022, more than 400 sucharticles longer than 1,000 words were posted. Most of the materials werewritten on general topics in list format. They were optimized for lowcompetition keywords and the “Related Questions” section of Google. Rahul notesthat AI copes better with the list format than with longreads . The neuralnetwork makes fewer mistakes in it. After two months of the experiment, organictraffic began to grow noticeably—it increased by 327%.