Facebook.compluginspost.phphrefhttps3A2F2Fwww.facebook.com2Fhubspot2Fposts2F10159451400784394showtexttruewidth5stylebordernoneoverflowhidden scrollingno frameborder0 allowfullscreentrue allowautoplay clipboardwrite encryptedmedia pictureinpicture webshareiframe Iframes are one good way to enhance your web pages since embedded media can result in more time spent on your webpage and a more engaged audience. If you own a WordPress site you can add iframes with one of a few methods. iframes with a plugin and review the best plugins available to help you. Then well cover a couple of ways to place iframe content on your site without a plugin. How to Embed an Iframe in WordPress With a Plugin Iframes are HTML elements so they need to be added in the HTML document to appear on a web page.
Might not be comfortable editing your sites HTML or working with HTML in general. Thats no problem since you can use WordPress plugins to place iframes with minimal or no coding. WordPress Digital Marketing Service iframe plugins can help site owners easily place iframes on pages and some also let you change your iframe display options. Lets take a look at your best iframe plugin options below. Best Iframe WordPress Plugins Advanced iFrame Simple Iframe iframe popup Lazy Load 1. Advanced iFrame Advanced iFrame is a popular WordPress plugin that lets you place iframes with shortcode rather than pasting embed code into the body of your posts.
nables you to insert embedded content almost anywhere on your page. The free version of Advanced iFrameAthe websites server this includes videos longform audio content and interactive media. For example a website can choose to host its videos on a platform like YouTube then embed these videos into its pages with iframes. By choosing to store videos externally the website saves heaps of server space and keeps its load times down. You can also use iframes to embed content that belongs to other websites. For example Facebook lets authors generate iframe code to embed posts on their websites. The iframe above us