The latter is a skill that you can learn from and that helps you grow professionally. The reflection I propose is the following: perhaps it is time to understand that being an entrepreneur does not only mean making money and driving a BMW. Being an entrepreneur is running a company that provides a SERVICE to several clients. That is, we must begin to understand companies as entities that provide SERVICE, not as BUSINESSES. And that is the most difficult thing: converting a company into a NON-BUSINESS, and not being an entrepreneur, but a VOCATIONAL worker who works for the love of that job.
Reply Jose Manuel September 1, 2013 at 2:06 PM First of all, Noemí,. I share with Phone Number Data you the different types of competition that you explain, it is clear that the big fish always tries to eat the small ones, that is why PMES, now more than ever, must fight to find that differentiation with respect to the big ones, not in price, but yes. in service, quality, attention... it is time to apply effective marketing strategies in the SME world. With respect to your last reflection, that would be the “ideal” world but it would be complicated to happen, simply because of the human condition.

Which doesn't mean it doesn't stop trying. How? By introducing business subjects, business ethics, a vocation for service… in schools… changing the image that society has in Spain of the word “entrepreneur”, highlighting the success stories (which are many)… Who knows if this comment is the beginning of change!!!! Thank you for sharing your reflections and experiences with us. We hope to see you here more times. All the best. Reply Jose Manuel September 1, 2013 at 2:00 PM Thank you very much Antonio and sorry for the delay in my response, that's what it means to go on vacation and disconnect from everything.