[size=14.6667px]Today we will discuss another obligation that applies to more strictly regulated (regime-necessary) entities, and that is cybersecurity audits. We have good news (important) for companies under the lower tariff regime, they are not subject to any mandatory audits. ROWAN LEGAL is a leading domestic law firm specializing in IT law, cybersecurity, telecommunications, dispute resolution and arbitration, corporate and commercial law, intellectual property and economic competition (including public procurement).
Its clients include the largest national and international companies, including Chinese American Phone Number List public institutions. The firm has more than 100 lawyers in its offices in Prague and Brno, including more than 70 experienced lawyers, and is regularly recognized in national and international industry rankings. ROWAN LEGAL, regulatory partner for the NIS2 series. The NIS2 regulatory authorities will take mainly precautionary measures.
We are talking about so-called ex-ante regulation, which aims to prevent problems rather than fix them when they arise. The same principle applies in the field of telecommunications, where the division of roles is such that ex-ante supervision is the responsibility of the Czech Telecom Agency, which determines the relevant market and its measures, and in the event of market failure, the antitrust authorities are responsible. The office intervenes as an after-the-fact regulator.