I m from Barcelona Spain and do not use this language everyday. RAJI GOGULAPATI Leadership is about authenticity and flexibility in everything we do. It is about the business of the higher self with higher awareness. It requires repeated emphasis to most people to rise above the ordinary to become extra ordinary leaders. Yes education has a definite role to play. Key area where it is displayed the most is decision making.
Practicing critical thinking collaboration communicating and acting on issues that matter problem solving clarity of thought word and deed are necessary to bring out the leader in everyone. A true leader s visibility diminishes over time and shines through his her followers. When followers are many it means it is time for facilitation to bring out the leaders from South Africa WhatsApp Number List the many. The leader in the role of a facilitator is on the side enabling leadership and is not on the center stage. There is mutual respect and trust in the execution of the process of the new kind of leadership. REBECCA PROJECT MANAGER Leadership is a multi faceted task.
It is embodied in the character and actions of a person as well as the effect of a person on a group. Leadership is actuated by the thought process of the individual leading. So yes there are some aspects of leadership that can be taught because it is possible to learn new ways of processing information. to take a follower and turn them into a leader I don t believe that this process can take place solely in a classroom. It takes real application consistent and persistent pursuit of the art of influence through a process of learning applying evaluating and changing.