So don't miss out on this trend and put everything in place to best satisfy your customers so that they promote you through digital. *** To evaluate the effectiveness of your customer relations, what could be better than KPIs? There are many to draw on, however it is important to select the ones that are right for your goals and business.
So to get started, a KPI like CSAT will give you a quick overview of your customer satisfaction. Why not collect information simply, by soliciting a sample of customers by email for example. This KPI Belize WhatsApp Number will give you a good basis to start with, which you will be able to enrich over time, thanks to other more qualitative and precise metrics.

Emeline KLING Passionate about digital marketing, I write content on innovations and the different levers to develop digital performance. I hope that my articles will allow you to deepen your knowledge to achieve your goals.Why do A/B Testing? August 28, 2023 | Marketing There are a multitude of strategies to achieve your goals. marketing strategies to develop their business and acquire new customers.